Las Vegas YMCA Blog

5 Things You Can Do to Minimize Workout-related Burnout and Injuries

Written by The Y | Nov 20, 2018 5:19:00 PM

Whether you are new to the fitness world or a seasoned veteran in the gym, following the below tips can help you minimize your risk of suffering from burnout or injuries. Should you suffer an injury, they can also aid you in preventing weight gain while you recover.

Tips to Reduce Burnout and Injury at the Gym

1. Incorporate Cross Training into Your Workout Schedule
When you work out, it is important to make sure your regimen incorporates a multitude of activities, so you work different parts of your body in various ways. For example, if you like to run as your primary form of exercise, you could add weight lifting and swimming to work and challenge your body in ways that differ from your running.

Cross training has multiple benefits, such as reducing your chances of an overuse injury, boosting your overall fitness level and preventing boredom with your exercise routine. If you are accustomed to doing several activities, this also promotes flexibility in your workout routine, so you are more likely to get some type of exercise if your schedule changes or you incur an injury.

2. Keep Your Expectations Realistic
Holding realistic expectations can help prevent exercise-related burnout. Know that it will take time to see results and your progress may not be linear. If you are trying to get back into a solid exercise routine, a goal of five workouts per week might be too lofty. Start with something you know you can achieve.

Your weight might jump a few pounds one week, or you might have a few workouts where your performance feels less than stellar. However, if you're consistent, the long-term results you seek will come.

3. Don't Be Afraid to Rest or Take Time Off
Ideally, your workout schedule should have one or two rest days each week. When you suffer an injury or get sick, it is tempting to push through your discomfort. However, it is vital to give your body the rest and recovery time it needs, so it can properly heal. 

Moodiness, excessive tiredness and extreme soreness are all signs you need a rest day. After an injury, make sure you always adhere to your doctor's recommendations, and listen to your body. If something doesn't feel right, stop your workout.

4. Check Your Form, Workout Routine, and Technique
Prevent new injuries and encourage old injuries to heal by using proper form during your workouts. Correct form is especially important when lifting weights or performing weight-bearing exercises to decrease your risk of injury. If you aren't sure if your form is correct or if you need to make sure your workout routine is solid, consider booking a session with a Y personal trainer

5. Use Rewards to Increase Your Motivation
It is common for motivation to periodically wane. Keep your enthusiasm high by rewarding yourself for achieving certain benchmarks. These benchmarks don't have to focus on weight loss; you might reward yourself for completing a specific number of monthly workouts or achieving a new personal best.

Whatever your fitness goals may be, the Y offers a variety of group classes and personal training sessions, as well as a state-of-the-art gym at each of our locations. Contact us online or visit one of our four locations for more information.