YMCA of Southern Nevada

Full-day vs. Half-day Preschool in Las Vegas – Which Is Better for My Child?

Get Your Child Registered for Full- or Half-day Preschool in Las Vegas at the Y

Quality preschool education is known to be beneficial for children in the early years of development and later years. Preschool programs vary significantly in terms of quality and duration. There are both full-day and half-day options for caregivers to choose from. If you're looking for a preschool in Las Vegas, it's crucial to explore the benefits of different programs before selecting one. 

Full-day Preschool in Las Vegas 

Full-day preschool programs, also known as extended-duration preschool, generally last for 6 – 8 hours. These programs include studies in vocabulary, art, math, and literacy. Typically, preschool in Las Vegas accepts students between 2 and 5 years of age. The kids enjoy plenty of playtime and play-based learning, snack time, stories, and naps every day. 

The benefits of full-day preschool in Las Vegas include: 

  • study by the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) found that children in full-day programs improved vocabulary and math skills by 11 and 12 standard points, while those in half-day programs improved by 6 and 7points. 
  • Full-day preschool in Las Vegas can help kids make up for lost skills. The kids can catch up with classmates through extended programs in preparation for higher school levels. 
  • As a caregiver, you have more personal time for yourself. You can use the time to focus on work without the stress of caring for the child, save on nanny fees, run errands, study, and clean up before your child leaves school. 
  • By enrolling your child in a preschool in Las Vegas, you can help them improve their social skills. The kids interact with classmates, learn how to play together and make friends. 

Half-day Preschool in Las Vegas

 Half-day preschool programs typically run for 2.5 – 3 hours a day. These programs offer several benefits for parents who feel that full-day programs are too long for young children. Many parents feel that half-day programs are suitable for a child's short attention span. Just as in full-day preschool in Las Vegas, children enjoy playful learning, playtime and stories. Other benefits include:

  • Enrolling your child in a half-day preschool program allows them to learn social skills among their peers. Your child learns how to make friends, talk to other kids and also play with them. After school, the child also has time to interact with adults and siblings at home. 
  • Half-day preschool in Las Vegas is excellent for transitions into a school environment. Instead of suddenly introducing your kid to full-time school, you can start with short sessions and move to a full-day program in the second year. 
  • As the caregiver, you have time to focus on work, errands, other kids, and your spouse or partner when your child is away at school. However, you still have sufficient time to bond with them after school before nightfall. 

What to Consider when Choosing a Preschool Program

Both half-day and full-day preschools have benefits for you and your child. You can select a program based on: 

  • Your child's vocabulary, math, literacy, and social skills
  • The amount of time you want your kid to spend at home with you and the family
  • Your child's need for a transition - some children need half-day programs to help ease them into a school environment
  • Your work schedules, nanny fee, and availability, the cost of preschool programs, and duties. 

Enroll Your Child in Preschool in Las Vegas 

Fortunately, the YMCA offers both full-day and half-day preschool in Las Vegas. Our environment is safe for early childhood learning and development. What's more, we are active members of the Las Vegas community. Visit one of our four Southern Nevada locations to enroll your child today.

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