YMCA of Southern Nevada


Easy Exercises to Help You Build Consistency & Enjoy Fitness

Exercise Tips

Let’s face it, browsing the internet and finding workout videos from gym enthusiasts and workout gurus is nothing short of terrifying. Most exercises seem painful and unbearable to perform, especially if you’re a beginner or getting back into the workout culture. Fortunately, there are plenty of activities you can perform both inside and outside of your Las Vegas gym without breaking your back. Remember that the goal is to stay fit and consistent rather than injure your muscle. Here are some great, fun exercises you can try today:


Why You Should Reduce Screen Time & How to Do So


Nowadays, getting through 24 hours without looking for a screen is almost impossible. Smartphones, computers, televisions, tablets, and other devices at home and work demand attention. Unfortunately, while screens help us perform numerous functions, they’re linked to several direct and indirect problems. You may be consuming more information and getting better entertainment through modern devices, but at what cost?


Say Goodbye to Extra Holiday Calories with These Las Vegas Gym Exercises

Exercise Tips, Las Vegas Gym

With a proper workout schedule and a grip on your calorie intake, you’re probably at your ideal weight or slowly getting there. Unfortunately, the holidays could slow the progress and make it harder to achieve your fitness goals. The temptation to snack, sleep in, enjoy a drink, and sneak in an extra plate is high. So, to ensure that your jeans fit after the holidays, we’ve compiled several exercises you can do at home and your Las Vegas gym to stay fit.


At-Home Exercises for Apartment Dwellers

At Home Workouts, Apartments

Between work, commutes, shopping, and family responsibilities, it can be hectic to find time to hit the gym. You may also want to avoid the gym, mainly if it includes a commute and is crowded. So, what’s the best solution? You can try working out at home. Sounds perfect, right?


At-home Activities to Keep Your Fit Without Disturbing the Family

At Home Workouts

For many parents and caregivers, putting the baby to sleep is cause for celebration. When the kids are asleep, you have time to clear personal at-home activities. Sometimes, you can use your free time to sneak in a workout. However, the last thing you need is to make so much noise that it wakes the kids. Finding quiet exercises help you stay fit when the kids are in bed. 


Tips for Starting Your Day the Healthy Way when You're a Busy Parent

Tips, Gym with Childcare, Parents

We can all admit that parenting is a challenging task, and sometimes you need help. You may find yourself barely managing adequate physical exercise between school, chores and work. Unfortunately, without sufficient physical activity, it’s harder to keep the pounds away or lose any. Here are some of the tips you can use to stay healthy and active as a busy parent:


Should You Sign up for Yoga or Cardio Classes at Your Las Vegas Gym?


If you plan to cut back on a few pounds, you’re probably exploring different calorie-burning strategies. Both yoga and cardio offer benefits when it comes to weight loss. However, how do they compare to each other? Which one gets you to your desired weight faster? More interestingly, can yoga be a form of cardio for weight loss?


Summerlin Parks to Explore Outside the Y

Tips, Summerlin, Parks

Enjoying the outdoors through a hike, bike ride and playing at parks is an excellent way to have quality family time. You get to enjoy the sun, fresh air, and discover new public spaces while you bond with the family. When you can make it to the Y, you can explore these Summerlin parks for quality outdoor adventures:


The Advantages of Being CPR-certified & Where to Take CPR Classes

CPR, Classes

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, popularly known as CPR, is a lifesaving first-aid skill. When a friend, family member or person near you is in cardiac arrest, CPR may be the only thing standing between them and death. After taking CPR classes, you can step in and save a life before the paramedics arrive.


How to Stay Active During the Winter at Our Las Vegas Gym

Fitness, Winter, Staying Active

When winter comes around, it’s easy to stay in the house under blankets. It’s only natural that staying indoors is a great way to get through winter. Unfortunately, being inactive has significant problems, including disrupting your fitness level. We understand that it’s challenging to find the motivation to head out in winter and that the weather can disrupt your Las Vegas gym routine. However, it’s possible to enjoy a healthy workout in the winter with these tips:

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